Travel Tour comes with two types of online payment.
1. Paypal
2. Credit Card (Via Stripe gateway)
After payment processed, the system will automatically reserve your seat and the invoice will be generated in customer backend. Both customer and admin can see the transaction as ‘online paid’ from backend and the transaction id will appear in there.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var a = 10, ta = $("#exibitor3"), n = $("#inputamount"), i = $("#mensaje"), e = $("#exibitor"); n.keyup(function(d) { if (13 != d.which) { var r = parseFloat(n.val()), t = .06 * r; return isNaN(t) || isNaN(r) ? (i.hide(), void e.hide()) : void(a >= r ? (e.hide(), i.text("La Cantidad minima de pago es de 10 Dolares Americanos").fadeIn()) : (i.hide(), ta.val((r + t).toFixed(2)), e.fadeIn().val("Total: " + (r + t).toFixed(2)))) } }), $("#form_paypal").submit(function() { return n.val() > null ? n.val() < a ? (i.addClass("icon_warning_red").text("La Cantidad minima de pago es de 10 Dolares Americanos").fadeIn(), !1) : (i.removeClass("icon_warning_red").html(' Transferring to PayPal, please wait...').fadeIn(), !0) : (i.addClass("icon_warning_red").fadeIn(), !1) }) });